
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
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Stackelberg, A.A.1945European species of the family Macroceratidae (Diptera Nematocera)
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Evenhuis, N.L.2005A new species of Chiasmoneura (Prochiasmoneura) Matile (Diptera: Keroplatidae: Macrocerinae), from Melanesia
Hippa, H., Vilkamaa P.2006Phylogeny of the Sciaroidea (Diptera): the implication of additional taxa and character data
Amorim, Dde Sousa, Rindal E.2007Phylogeny of the Mycetophiliformia, with proposal of the subfamilies Heterotrichinae, Ohakuneinae, and Chiletrichinae for the Rangomaramidae (Diptera, Bibionomorpha)
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Lehnebach, C.A., Robertson, A.W., Hedderley D.2005Pollination studies of four New Zealand terrestrial orchids and the implication for their conservation
Bechev, D., Koç H.2006The fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) of Turkey: published data and new records
Heath, A.C.G., Derraik J.G.B.2005Adult Diptera trapped at two heights in two native forests and an urban environment in New Zealand
Derraik, J.G.B., Heath A.C.G.2009Brief comparison between the Diptera fauna at a native forest edge and at a nearby house backyard, in Wellington, New Zealand
Polevoi, A.2010Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Keroplatidae, Mycetophilidae) of Pasvik strict nature reserve
Chandler, P.J.2005Fauna Europaea: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae from Sweden
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Fulton, B.B.1941Another predatory webspinning fly larva
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Lundström, C.1916Neue oder wenig bekannte europäische Mycetophiliden. IV
Alexander, C.P.1924Undescribed species of Nematocera from Japan
Armbruster, L.1938Versteinerte Honigbiennen aus dem Obermiocänen Randecker Maar. 3. Die einzelnen Hauffapis-Funde
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Edwards, F.Wallace1914Insectes Diptères. II. Nematocera. Sciaridae, Mycetophilidae, Bibionidae, Simuliidae, Psychodidae et Culicidae
Edwards, F.Wallace1919Diptères Nématocères
Edwards, F.Wallace1924Notes on Meigen's fungus-gnat types
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Fauna sumatrensis. Mycetophilidae; Bibionidae, Scatopsidae, Anisopodidae
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Die Ausbeute der deutshen Chaco-Expedition 1925-26. Diptera. XXIII. Bibionidae. XXIV. Mycetophilidae
Edwards, F.Wallace1931New Neotropical Nematocerous Diptera
Edwards, F.Wallace1933Some Perthshire Diptera
Edwards, F.Wallace1936Schwedisch-chinensische wissenchaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen provinzen Chinas. 49. Diptera. 15. Fam. Mycetophilidae, Bibionodae and Culicidae
Fisher, E.Gault1940New Mycetophilidae from North Carolina (Diptera)
Polevoi, A.V., Jakovlev, J.B., Zaitzev A.I.2006Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae) new to Finland
Grzegorzek, A.1885Neue Mycetophiliden
Hickman, V.V.1965On Planarivora insignis gen. et sp. n. (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), whose larval stages are parasitic in land planarians
Landrock, K.1917Die Typen der Piltzmücken der von Roserchen Sammlung in Stuttgart
Matile, L.1977Revision des Keroplatinae du genre Antlemon (Dipt. , Mycetophilidae)
Meunier, F.1907Contribution a la faune des Mycetophilidae du copal recent de Zanzibar et Madagascar


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith