
PageAuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Johnson, C.W.1930A list of the insect fauna of Nantucket, Massachusetts
Landrock, K.1930Revision der Siebert'schen Pilzmückensammlung im Deutshcen entomologische Institut, Berlin. Dalhum (Dipt.)
Lengersdorf, F.1930Beitrag zu einer Höhlenfauna der Westfalen
Séguy, E.1930Contribution a l'étude des Diptères du Maroc
Spöcker, R.G.1930Die Teufelskirche bei Nitzlbuch
Lengersdorf, F.19307. Lycoriidae (Sciaridae)
Brocher, F.1931Observations biologiques sur la larve du Delopsis aterrima Zett. et sur celle du Leptomorphus walkeri Curt. (Diptères mycétophiles)
Crampton, G.C.1931A phylogenetic study of the posterior matathoracic and basal abdominal structures of insects, with particular reference to the Holometabola
Curran, C.H.1931Diptera collected by Dr. A. Thienemann in Java
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Oxford University Greenland Expedition, 1928. Diptera Nematocera
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Gynandromorphs and Mermithogynes in Nematocarous Diptera
Frey, R.1931Die Dipterenfauna der Kanarischen Inseln und ihre Probleme
Goetghebuer, M.1931Les Diptères du plateau des Hautes-Fagnes
Kinel, J., Noskiewichz J.1931Zur Kenntnis der beiden paläarktischen Epicypta-Arten (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Lengersdorf, F.1931II. Beitrager zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Westfalens
Lengersdorf, F.1931III. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Höhlenfauna der Westfalens (Kluterhöhle)
Lindroth, C.H.1931Die Insektenfauna Islands und ihre Probleme
Matsumura, S.19316,000 illustrated Insects of Japan-Empire
Sjöstedt, Y., al et1931Insekt-faunan mom Abisko National park
Thomas, B., Wyllie B.K.N.1931A camel journey across the Rub el Khali
Thomas, I.1931The structure and life history of Sciara nitidicolis Meig. (Diptera)
Edwards, F.Wallace1931XXI. Ð Diptera Nematocera from the lowlands of North Borneo
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Fauna sumatrensis. Mycetophilidae; Bibionidae, Scatopsidae, Anisopodidae
Edwards, F.Wallace1931Die Ausbeute der deutshen Chaco-Expedition 1925-26. Diptera. XXIII. Bibionidae. XXIV. Mycetophilidae
Edwards, F.Wallace1931New Neotropical Nematocerous Diptera
Johnson, C.W.1931Two new fungus gnats of the genus Apelmon
Edwards, F.Wallace19317. Mygoor-Nematocera in Insektfaunan inom Abisko National Park. III.
Edwards, F.Wallace1932New Brazilian Mycetophilidae (Diptera)
Edwards, F.Wallace1932Diptera Nematocera from the Dutch East Indies
Edwards, F.Wallace1932Spolia Mentawiensia: Diptera Nematocera.
Esaki, T.1932[TITLE BLANK]
Landrock, K.1932Die mährrisch-schlesischen Arten der Pilzmücken Gattung Fungivora Meig.
Lengersdorf, F.1932Die Lebende Tierwelt der Harzer Höhlen
38Lindner, E.1932Diptera. Fliegen
Remi, P.1932Contribution à l'étude de la faune cavernicole de Lorraine. Les grottes de Sainte-Reine
Shiraki, T., Esaki T.1932Nippon Konchu Zakan [Iconographia Insectorum Japonicorum]
Stammer, H.-J.1932Zur Biologie und Anatimie der leuchtenden Pilzmückenlarve von Ceroplatus testaceus Dalm. (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Edwards, F.Wallace1932Notes on Highland Diptera, with description of six new species
Edwards, F.Wallace1932Results of the questionnaire on Meigen's 1800 paper
Edwards, F.Wallace1932"Meigen's 'Nouvelle Classification'": some remarks on Dr. Hendel's paper
Edwards, F.Wallace, Collin J.R.1932Revised list of the Diptera of St. Kilda
Edwards, F.Wallace1933[TITLE BLANK]
Edwards, F.Wallace1933New Neotropical Mycetophilidae (II). (Diptera)
Edwards, F.Wallace1933Diptera Nematocera from Mount Kinabalu
Edwards, F.Wallace1933Some Tahitian Mycetophilidae and Chironomidae
Lengersdorf, F.1933Die lebende Tierwelt der natürlischen und künstlischen Höhlen der Rheinlandes
Tarwid, K.1933Sur l'existence de l'espece Symmerus apicalis Winn. (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Edwards, F.Wallace1933Some Perthshire Diptera
Edwards, F.Wallace1933Oxford Expedition to Hudson's Strait, 1931: Diptera Nematocera. With notes on some other species of the genus Diamesa
Mansbridge, G.H.1933On the biology of some Ceroplatinae and Macrocerinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) with an appendix on the chemical nature of the web fluid in larvae of Ceroplatinae, by A.W. Burton


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith