
PageAuthorsYearTitlesort descending
Matile, L.1996Une nouvelle espece afrotropicale du genre Lygistorrhina Skuse (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea, Lygistorrhinidae). A new afrotropical species of the genus Lygistorrhina Skuse (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea, Lygistorrhinidae)
Vaisanen, R., Matile L.1980Une nouvelle espece alpine du genre Mycomya (Dipt. Mycetophilidae)
Matile, L.1971Une nouvelle tribu de Mycetophilidae: les Metanepsiini [Dipt.]
Borges, A.Rodrigues, Gaspar, V.Pinatto, Fernandez M.Aparecida2000Unequal X chromosomes in Bradysia hygida (Diptera: Sciaridae) females: Karyotype assembly and morphometric analysis
Okland, B.1996Unlogged forests: important sites for preserving the diversity of mycetophilids (Diptera: Sciaroidea)
Fuge, H.1994Unorthodox male meiosis in Trichosia pubescens (Sciaridae). Chromosome elimination involves polar organelle degeneration and monocentric spindles in first and second division
Platzer-Schultz, I.1977Unsere Zuckmiicken, Chironomidae
Plassmann, E.1974Untersuchungen an Mycetophilidentypen aus der Winnertz'schen Sammlung
Taeger, A., Behne, L., Blank, S.M., von Broen, B., Burger, F., Dathe, H.H., Gaedike, R., Groll, E., Menzel, F., Pellmann, H., Sommer,, Westendorff, M., Zerche, L., Ziegler J.1995Untersuchungen der Arthropodenfauna im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin in den Jahren 1992 bis 1994. (Allgemeiner Teil. / Faunistischer Teil).
Metzner, K., Menzel F.1996Untersuchungen zur Sciaridenfauna des innerstädtischen Auwaldgebietes
Metzner, K., Erlacher, S.Ingo, Leuckefeld S.1999Untersuchungen zur Trauermuckenfauna des Elster-Pleisse-Auwaldes bei Leipzig (Dipt., Sciaridae)
Renken, W.1956Untersuchungen über Winterlager der Insecten
Gagné, R.J.2010Update for a catalog of the Cecidomyiidae (Diptera) of the world. Digital version 1.
Kjærandsen, J., Søli G.E.E.2020Updated checklist of Norwegian Mycetophilidae (Diptera), with 92% DNA barcode reference coverage
Bechev, D., Koc H.2008Urytalpa chandleri sp. n. (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from Turkey, with a key to the Western Palaearctic species of the genus
Willis, R.E., White, C.R., Merritt D.J.2010Using light as a lure is an efficient predatory strategy in Arachnocampa flava, an Australian glowworm
Amorim, Dde Sousa, Grimaldi D.2006Valeseguyidae, a new family of Diptera in the Scatopsoidea, with a new genus in Cretaceous amber from Myanmar
Hippa, H., Mattsson, I., Vilkamaa P.2009 Validation of the genus Blagorrhina Hippa, Mattsson & Vilkamaa gen. n. (Diptera: Lygistorrhinidae)
Vaisanen, R.1982Vanishing and vulnerable Diptera of Finland.
Bathon, H., Schumann R.1989Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Zucht von Trauermucken (Diptera: Sciaridae)
Heller, K.1996Vergleichende biozonotische und produktionsbiologische Untersuchungen an terricol-detritophagen Nematocera in einem Wald-Agrar-Okosystemkomplex. [Comparative biozone and production biology studies of terrestrial saprophagous Nematocera in a forest-agricul
Armbruster, L.1938Versteinerte Honigbiennen aus dem Obermiocänen Randecker Maar. 3. Die einzelnen Hauffapis-Funde
Meigen, J.Wilhelm1803Versuch einer neuen Gattungseinteilung [sic!] der eurpoäischen zweiflügligen Insekten
Hennig, W.1941Verzeichnis der Dipteren von Formosa
Plassmann, E.1976Vier neue Mycetophiliden aus der okologischen Station Messaure/Schweden
Kertész, K.1909Vier neue südamerikanische Mycetophiliden
Kertesz, K.1909Vier neue Südamerikanischen Mycetophiliden
Mohrig, W., Hövemeyer K.1992Vier neue Trauermuckenarten aus Sudniedersachsen (BRD). (Diptera, Sciaridae)
Plassmann, E.1976Vierter Nachtrag zu. der Mycetophiliden - Sammlung des Senckenberg - Museums Frankfurt am Main (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
59Brunetti, E.1917VIII Diptera of the Simla District.
de Meijere, J.Cornelis H.1935Vijfde Supplement op de Nieuwe Naamlijst van Nederlandische Diptera
Matile, L.1972Viridivora seguyi, n. gen., n. sp., Diptère Mycetophilidae africain se nourrissant de Mousses et d'Hépatiques
Rochow, V.B.Meyer, Waldvogel H.1979Visual behaviour and the structure of dark and light-adapted larval and adult eyes of the New Zealand glowworm Arachnocampa luminosa (Mycetophilidae: Diptera)
Evenhuis, N.L.2020Vladelektra, an enigmatic new genus of killer fungus gnats (Diptera: Keroplatidae: incertae sedis) from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber
Schiner, K.R.1863Vorläufiger Commentar zum dipterologischen Theile der "Fauna austriaca". V
Landrock, K.1937W sprewie synonimiki rodziny Fungivoridae (Diptera)
Cook, O.F.1913Webspinning fly-larvae in Guatamalan caves
Plassmann, E.1971Weitere Arten der Fungivoriden-Sammlung des Senckenberg-Museum Frankfurt a. M. (Diptera: Fungivoridae)
Thaler, K.1992Weitere Funde nivaler Spinnen (Aranei) in Nordtirol und Beifange
Schacht, W., Heuck P.2005Weitere interessante Nachtraege zu "Zweifluegler aus Bayern" (Diptera: Tipulidae, Ditomyiidae, Mycetophilidae, Platypezidae, Pseudomyzidae, Strongylophthalmyiidae, Psilidae, Chloropidae). [Further interesting supplements to "Zweifluegler aus Bayern" (Dipt
Schacht, W.2004Weitere Nachtraege und Korrekturen zu "Zweiflugler aus Bayern" (Diptera: Mycetobiidae, Anisopodidae, Keroplatidae, Hilarimorphidae, Pseudopomyzidae, Clusiidae, Sciomyzidae, Drosophilidae, Scatophagidae, Tachinidae)
Osten-Sacken, C.R.1877Western Diptera: Description of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Misssssipi and especially from California
Scheller, O.1978Wie man Pilzmucken zuchtet (Dipt., Mycetophylidae)
Nixon, K.C.2002Winclada, Version 1.00.08
Plassmann, E.1989Winteraktivitat von adulten Pilzmucken eines Birkenbestandes des ostlichen schleswig-holsteinischen Hugellandes (Diptera, Nematocera Mycetophilidae)
Michelsen, V.1999Wood gnats of the genus Sylvicola (Diptera, Anisopodidae): taxonomic status, family assignment, and review of nominal species described by J. C. Fabricius
Jaschhof, M., Jaschhof C.2004Wood midges of New Zealand (Cecidomyiidae, Lestremiinae). Part III: tribe Peromyiini and remarks on the composition, origin and relationships of the fauna as a whole
Bechev, D.N.2000World distribution of the genera of fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaroidea, excluding Sciaridae)
Crouse, H.V.1979X heterochromatin subdivision and cytogenetic analysis in Sciara coprophila (Diptera, Sciaridae). 2. The controlling element


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith