Revision of Pollination of Aristolochia pallida Willd. (Aristolochiaceae) in the Mediterranean from Tue, 2008-04-08 09:20

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:Rulik, B., Wanke, S., Nuss, Matthias: Neinhuis Christoph
Keywords:Plant insect interaction; Phoridae; Sciaridae; Diptera

A first study of the pollination biology of a Mediterranean Aristolochia species in its natural habitat is presented. In all, 183 flowers of Aristolochia pallida Willd. were investigated, which in total contained 73 arthropods, dominated by two groups of Diptera, black fungus gnats (Sciaridae representing 37%) and scuttle flies (Phoridae representing 19%), respectively. However, only Phoridae are regarded as potential pollinators, since pollen has been found exclusively on the body of these insects. All Phoridae belong to the genus Megaselia and are recognised as three morpho-species. The measurements of flower and insect dimensions suggest that size is an important constraint for successful pollination: (a) the insects must have a definitive size for being able to enter the flower and (b) must be able to get in touch with the pollen. Only very few insect groups found in A. pallida fulfil these size requirements. However, size alone is not a sufficient filter as too many fly species of the same size might be trapped but not function as pollinators. Instead, specific attraction is required as otherwise pollen is lost. Since all trapped Phoridae are males, a chemical attraction (pheromones) is proposed as an additional constraint. Since the flowers are protogynous, the record of Megaselia loaded with pollen found in a flower during its female stage proves that this insect must have had visited at least one different flower during its male stage before. Further on, this observation provides strong evidence that the flowers are cross-pollinated. All these factors indicate a highly specialised pollination of A. pallida by Megaselia species.

URL: 2008_Pollination_of_Aristolochia.pdf
Tue, 2008-04-08 09:20 -- vblago
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