Revision of New Azana species from Western North America (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Sat, 2010-03-13 17:45

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:Kerr, P.
Keywords:California, fungus gnats, new species, Systematics

Two new species of fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), Azana malinamoena and Azana frizzelli, spp. nov., are described and figured from California. These species represent the first records of Azana for western North America. A diagnosis of the genus Azana Walker is presented and a provisional key for the New World species of the genus is given. The discovery of A. malinamoena and A. frizzelli in California and their apparently close relationship to A. nigricoxa Strobl from south-western Europe (rather than to the only other Azana species known from North America, A. sinusa Coher) implies a more complicated biogeographic history of this genus in North America, one that probably includes multiple, independent dispersal events.

Refereed Designation:Refereed
Taxonomic name: 
Sat, 2010-03-13 17:43 -- vblago
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