
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
Sasakawa, M.1966Mycetophilidae of Taiwan (Diptera) I
Sellier, R., Chassain M.1976Observations sur le mode de dissemination des spores d'un champignon myxomycete par un insecte diptere mycetophilide
Shaw, F.R.1962A key to the North American species of Bolitophila (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), with some observations on those described by C. B. D. Garrett
Shaw, F.R., Fisher E.G.1952Guide to the insects of Connecticut. Part VI. The Diptera or true flies of Connecticut. Fifth fascicle : Midges and gnats. Family Fungivoridae (=Mycetophilidae)
Skinner, A.1977Protection of Tasmanian cave fauna
Tordo, G.C.1966Insectos xilofagos de Angola[long dash]1. (Lymexylidae, Bostrychidae e Curculionidae)
Duret, J.P.1977Dos neuvas Mycetophila de Magallanes, Chile (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Duret, J.P.1979El genero Mycetophila en la Patagonia. II - Ocho especies nuevas de Magallanes, Chile (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Duret, J.P.1978El genero Dziedzickia Johannsen, 1909, en la Patagonia (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Duret, J.P.1979Nuevas observaciones sobre el genero Platyroptilon Westwood, 1849. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Laštovka, P., Matile L.1969Contribution a la faune de l'Iran. 16. Diptéres Mycetophilidae des Provinces Caspiennes. 2. Genera Mycetophila
Chandler, P.J.1978Gnoriste bilineata Zetterstedt (Dipt., Mycetophilidae) outside the central Highlands
Beaver, R.A.1979Biological studies of the fauna of pitcher plants (Nepenthes) in west Malaysia
Chandler, P.J.1978Irish fungus gnats (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) additions and corrections
Duret, J.P.1977Lista previa de los Mycetophilidae de Monte Alto, Magallanes, Chile. (Diptera, Nematocera)
Duret, J.P.1979Notas sobre el genero Stenophragma Skuse, 1888 (Diptera. Mycetophilidae)
Chandler, P.J.1978Notes on the holarctic species of Pseudexechia Tuomikoski (Diptera: Mycetophilidae), with the description of a new British species
Duret, J.P.1976Notas sobre el genero Aneura Marshall, en la Patagonia argentino-chilena. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Duret, J.P.1976El genero Stenophragma Skuse, 1888 en la Patagonia Argentina (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith