
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
Keilin, D.1919On the srtucture of larvaeand the systematic position of the genera Mycetobia Mg., Ditomyia Winn. and Symmerus Walk. (Diptera, Nematocera)
Kertész, K.1909Vier neue südamerikanische Mycetophiliden
Khalidov, A.B.1983The ecological and faunistical characteristics of Mycetophiloidea of middle Wolga region
Kidd, L.N.1951(Report of) Manchester Entomological Society: October 20th, 1951
Kidd, L.N., Brindle A.1959The Diptera of Lancashire and Cheshire. Part I
Kieffer, J.J.1919Microdiptères d'Afrique
Kinel, J., Noskiewichz J.1931Zur Kenntnis der beiden paläarktischen Epicypta-Arten (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Kitching, R.L., Bickel, D., Creagh, A.C., Hurley, K., Symonds C.2004The biodiversity of Diptera in Old World rain forest surveys: a comparative faunistic analysis
Knab, F.1915The Nematocera not a natural group of Diptera
Knab, F.1916Mycetobia and the classification of Diptera
A. Voss, K., Plassmann E.1979Pilzmucken aus der Streuschicht des Isteiner Klotzes bei Basel. (Insecta: Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Kolarov, J., Bechev D.N.1995Hymenopterenparasiten (Hymenoptera) auf Pilzmücken (Mycetophilidae, Diptera)
Komonen, A.2001Sciophila hebes Johansen (Mycetophilidae)
Kovalev, V.G.1987The Mesozoic mycetophiloid Diptera of the family Pleciofungivoridae
Kovalev, V.G.1990Двукрылые. Muscida. [Dipterans. Muscida]
Kratochvíl, J.1936Deuxième notice a la connaissance de la faune du sol tchecoslovaque. Diptères
Krivosheina, N.P., Mamaev B.M.1988Family Pachyneuridae
Krivosheina, N.P., Mamaev B.M.1988Family Manotidae
Kurina, O.1991Mycetophilidae (Diptera) reared from macrofungi in Estonia
Kurina, O.1992A new species of the genus Mycetophila Meigen (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) found in Estonia
Kurina, O.1994New records of Mycetophilidae (Diptera) reared from macrofungi in Estonia
Kurina, O.1996On the Estonian Brevicornu Marshall (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Kurina, O.1996Hibernation of fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) in Estonian caves
Kurina, O.1997A review of the Estonian Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae, and Diadocidiidae (Diptera, Nematocera)
Kurina, O.1997Two species form the genus Exechia Winn. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) new to Estonia
Kurina, O.1997Fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea) collected by Aleksander Stackelberg in Estonia
Kurina, O.1997Creenomyia [Greenomyia] mongolica Lastovka et Matile, 1974 (Diptera, Micetophilidae [Mycetophilidae]) found in Estonia
Kurina, O.1997A new species of fungus gnats of the genus Allodia Winnertz, 1863 (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from Estonia
Kurina, O.1999Notes on fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) reared from macrofungi in Estonia
Kurina, O.2003Notes on fungus gnats from the Lemmenlaakso area in southern Finland, including six species new to the Finnish list (Diptera: Sciaroidea excl. Sciaridae)
Kurina, O.2004Notes on fungus gnats from the East Mediterranean with description of two new species (Diptera: Sciaroidea excl. Sciaridae)
Kurina, O., Hedmark K.2004Notes on fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaroidea excl. Sciaridae) in the Gauja National Park, Latvia
Lackschewitz, P.1937Die Fungivoriden des Ostbaltischen Gebietes
Lampert, K.1908Tiere und pflanzen der Jetztzeit in den schwäbischen Höhlen
Landrock, K.1910Neuer Beitrag zu einer Dipteren fauna Mährens
Landrock, K.1912Die Pilzmücken Mährens 1. Teil
Landrock, K.1912Zur Monographie der Gattung Bolitophila Meig.
Landrock, K.1913Zwei neue Arten der Fungivoriden-Gattung Trichonta Winn.
Landrock, K.1913Die Pilzmücken Mährens. 2 Teil.
Landrock, K.1914Die Pilzmücken Mährens. 3 Teil.
Landrock, K.1916Neue mährische Arten der Pilzmückengattung Docosia Winn.
Landrock, K.1918Eine neue Mycetophila aus Österreich-schlesien
Landrock, K.1918Die Piltzmückengattung Dynatosoma Winn.
Landrock, K.1919Die Pilzmücken Mährens. 4 Teil.
Landrock, K.1922Zur Synonymie der Mycetophiliden
Landrock, K.19244. Neue Mycetophilidae aus den Hockmooren von Estland
Landrock, K.1927Fungivoridae
Landrock, K.1928Neue Fungivoriden
Landrock, K.1930Revision der Siebert'schen Pilzmückensammlung im Deutshcen entomologische Institut, Berlin. Dalhum (Dipt.)
Landrock, K.1932Die mährrisch-schlesischen Arten der Pilzmücken Gattung Fungivora Meig.


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith