
PageAuthorsYearsort descendingTitle
Chagnon, G.1901Preliminary list, No.1, of Canadian Diptera
Coquillett, D.W.1901New Diptera in the U.S. National Museum
Coquillett, D.W.1901A systematic arrangement of the families of the Diptera
Kertész, K.1901Neue und bekannte Dipteren in der Sammlung des Ungarischen National-Museums
Meunier, F.1901Nouvelles recherches sur quelques Cecidomyidae et Mycetophilidae de l'ambre et description d'un nouveau genre et d'une nouvelle espece de Cecidomyidae du copal de l'Afriq
Needham, J.G., Betten C.1901Aquatic incets in the Adirondacks
Schnuse, C.A.W.1901Eine neue Mycetophilide aus Corsika
Grimshaw, P.H.1901Diptera
Kertész, K.1902Catalogus dipterorum, hucusque descriptorum
Kertész, K.1902Neue Neoglaphyroptera-Arten aus Süd-Amerika
Slosson, A.Trumbull1902Additional list of insects taken in Alpine region of Mt. Washington
Strobl, P.G.1902[Contribution to the Dipterous fauna of the Balkan Peninsula] (in Serbian and Latin)
Yerbry, L.-C.J.W.1902A list of the Diptera met with in Cork and Kerry during the summer of 1901, with some notes on their habits, ets.
Kertesz, K.1902Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum.
Johnson, C.W.1902New North American Diptera
Adams, C.F.1903Dipterological contributions
Becker, T.1903Aegiptische Dipteren
Bezzi, M.1903Alcune Notizie dui Ditteri Cavernicoli
Grimshaw, P.H.1903Diptera Scotica: III. The Fourth District
Johannsen, O.A.1903Notes on some Adirondack Diptera collected by Messrs. MacGillivary and Houghton
Johnson, C.W.1903Diptera of Beullah, New Mexico
McGillivray, A.D., Houghton C.O.1903A list of insects tacken in Adirondack Mountains, New York. II
Meunier, F.1903[TITLE BLANK]
Osten-Sacken, C.R.1903Record of my life-work in entomology
Snow, F.H.1903A preliminary list of the Diptera of Kansas
Strand, E.1903Norske lokaliteter for Diptera
Chapman, T.A.1904A note on Lasiosma hirta
Coquillett, D.W.1904New North American Diptera
Johnson, C.W.1904A supplementary list of the Diptera of New Jersey
Meunier, F.1904Monographie des Cecidomyidae, des Sciaridae, des Mycetophilidae et des Chironomidae de l'ambre de la Baltique <concl.>
Snow, F.H.1904List of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera collected in Arizona by the entomological expeditions of the University of Kansas in 1902 and 1903
Meunier, F.1904Monographie des Cecidomyidae, des Sciaridae, des Mycetophilidae et des Chironomidae de l‘ambre de la Baltique
Meunier, F.1904Monographie des Cecidomyidae, des Sciaridae, des Mycetophilidae et des Chironomidae de l'ambre de la Baltique <part>
Coquillett, D.W.1904Report on Californian and Nevadian Diptera
Aldrich, J.M.1905Mycetophilidae, Sciaridae, Cecidomyiidae
Pastejøír, J.1905Pøísp?vek k otázce: co jsou cervíci v houbách [Beitrag zur Ursache der Wurmstichigkeit der Schwaemme]
Washburn, F.L.1905Diptera of Minnesota
Coquillett, D.W.1905New nematocerous Diptera from North America
Bezzi, M.1906Ditteri Eritrei raccolti dal Dott. Andreini e dal Prof. Tellini. Parte. prima.
Carter, A.E.J.1906Diptera in Scotland in 1905
Enslin, E.1906Die Höhlenfauna des Fränkischen Jura
Enslin, E.1906Die Lebensweise der Larve von Macrocera fasciata Meigen
Grimshaw, P.H.1906Diptera Scotica: V. The Fourth District (Second supplement)
Grimshaw, P.H.1906The Diptera of Fair Island
Kieffer, J.J.1906Description de nouveaux Diptères Nématocères d'Europe
Lundström, C.1906Bieträge zur Kenntnis der Dipteren Finlands. I. Mycetophilidae
Meunier, F.1906[TITLE BLANK]
Washburn, F.L.1906[TITLE BLANK]
Wingate, W.J.1906A preliminary list of Durham Diptera with analitical tables
Strobl, P.G.1906Spanische Dipteren. II Beitrag


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith