Revision of Le genre Azana en région Afrotropicale [Diptera, Mycetophilidae] from Thu, 2007-03-01 13:45

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1998
Authors:Matile, L.
Journal:Revue Francaise d'Entomologie
Pagination:131-134, illustr.
Accession Number:VB
Keywords:-fig; '; d; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana pusilla; SP-NOV; Gabon, -fig; '; d; Invertebrates; Arthropods; Insects; Dipterans/True Flies, Azana; GENITALIA-; Characteristics, M; '; Passa; Host Pycnanthus (plant); P.-132, male; Azana minuta; IVORY-COAST; Tai; New species; Azana pusilla; GABON-; M; '; Passa; New species from plant host; * INSECTA-; ** DIPTERA-; *** NEMATOCERA-; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana minuta; SP-NOV; Ivory Coast, Tai; P.-131

Azana; GENITALIA-; Characteristics, male; Azana minuta; IVORY-COAST; Tai; New species; Azana pusilla; GABON-; M; '; Passa; New species from plant host; * INSECTA-; ** DIPTERA-; *** NEMATOCERA-; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana minuta; SP-NOV; Ivory Coast, Tai; P.-131,-fig; '; d; **** MYCETOPHILIDAE-; Azana pusilla; SP-NOV; Gabon, M; '; Passa; Host Pycnanthus (plant); P.-132,-fig; '; d; Invertebrates; Arthropods; Insects; Dipterans/True Flies

Thu, 2007-03-01 13:45 -- vblago
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