Revision of Diadocidiidae and Borboropsidae (Insecta: Diptera) of Japan, with descriptions of two new species from Thu, 2007-08-09 21:32

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:Sasakawa, M.
Journal:Species Diversity
Keywords:Diadocidia- ( Diadocidia- ) spinosula-, Diadocidia- ( Diadocidia- ) thoracica- ( Diadocidiidae- ) : Japan-, Honshu-, Japan-, Lenzites-betulina ( Fungus- ), New-record; Palaeodocidia-ishizakii ( Diadocidiidae- ) : Hosts-, New-species-from-fungal-host; Bo

Three species of the dipterous family Diadocidiidae and one species of the Borboropsidae are recorded from Japan (Honshu). Palaeodocidia ishizakii gen. and sp. nov. of the former family and Borboropsis yakunoana sp. nov. of the latter are described and their male genitalia are illustrated. The genus Palaeodocidia differs from Diadocidia in the numbers of flagellomeres and abdominal tergites, and in peculiar structures of the male genitalia. Diadocidia spinosula Tollet, 1948, known from Europe, is recorded for the first time from Honshu, Japan.

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