Fungus-gnat Platurocypta punctum (Stannius) (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) having emerged from a fruiting body of slime mold (Myxomycetes)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:Sugiura, S., Fukasawa, Y., Yamazaki K.
Journal:Japanese Journal of Entomology (New Series)
Accession Number:200300181632
Keywords:adult-, Animalia-; [15700-] Myxophyta-, Arthropoda-, Arthropods-, Asia-, Behavior-; Terrestrial-Ecology: Ecology-, common-, Environmental-Sciences; [75314-] Diptera-, food-, Fungi-, fungus-gnat, host-; Diptera-: Animals-, Insecta-, Insects-, Invertebrata-, Invertebrates-; Myxophyta-: Fungi-, larva-; Fuligo-septica (Myxophyta-): species-, Microorganisms-, Nonvascular-Plants, Palearctic-region; emergence-behavior; feeding-behavior, Palearctic-region; Kyoto-: Japan-, Plantae-; Platurocypta-punctum (Diptera-): species-, Plants-; fruiting-body; Kamigamo-Experimental-Forest: Japan-, slime-mold, spore-

Platurocypta punctum (Stannius) (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) was firstly recorded from Japan based on the adult specimens emerged from a fruiting body of Fuligo septica (L.) (Myxomycetes: Physarales: Physaraceae). We observed the larvae feeding on spores within the fruiting body at Kamigamo Experimental Forest in Kyoto, central Japan. P. punctum may be closely associated with slime molds.

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