Revision of Recharacterization of Rhynchoheterotricha Freeman (Diptera, Sciaroidea), with description of R. chandleri sp. n. from South Africa from Fri, 2007-08-10 11:13

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:Hippa, H., Vilkamaa P.
Date Published:6/04/2006
Keywords:morphology, new species, Rhynchoheterotricha, Sciaroidea

Rhynchoheterotricha chandleri sp. n. is described from South Africa. It differs from the earlier
known R. stuckenbergae Freeman by having a setose wing membrane and a proboscis that is only
about half the height of the head rather than about three times as long as the head. Through a
detailed morphological analysis, the genus is recharacterized. The previously unknown female
morphology is presented.

Mon, 2007-06-25 09:59 -- vblago
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