Revision of A monograph of the genus Mycomya Rondani in the Holarctic region (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from Fri, 2008-11-21 22:08

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1984
Authors:Vaisanen, R.K.
Journal:Dissertation Abstracts International C European Abstracts
Keywords:Diptera, Diptera : Insecta, Dissertation, Insecta, Mycamya Rondani 1856 ( Mycetophilidae ) : New taxa, Mycetophilidae : Nematocera, Mycetophilidae: New genus, Mycetophiloidea ( Diptera ) : Classification, Mycomya andreinii ( Bezzi ) ( Mycetophilidae ) : New combination, Mycomyinae ( Mycetophilidae ) : Systematic relationships, Neoempheria insignis ( Winnertz ) ( Mycetophilidae ) : New combination, New subgenera, p. 1006, p. 1007, species and subspecies

Mycetophiloidea ( Diptera ) : Classification , Dissertation , p. 1006, Mycetophilidae: New genus, Dissertation , p. 1006, Mycamya Rondani 1856 ( Mycetophilidae ) : New taxa, New subgenera, species and subspecies, dissertation , p. 1006, Mycomya andreinii ( Bezzi ) ( Mycetophilidae ) : New combination, Dissertation , p. 1007, Mycomyinae ( Mycetophilidae ) : Systematic relationships, Dissertation , p. 1006, Neoempheria insignis ( Winnertz ) ( Mycetophilidae ) : New combination, Dissertation , p. 1007, Diptera : Insecta, Mycetophilidae : Nematocera , Diptera , Insecta

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