Revision of New species of Isoneuromyia Brunetti (Diptera: Keroplatidae) from the Oriental Region from Fri, 2007-08-10 12:12

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:Evenhuis, N.L.
Keywords:Isoneuromyia annandalei form. formosana ( Okada 1938 ) ( Keroplatidae ) : Raised to, Isoneuromyia Brunetti 1912 ( Keroplatidae ) : Diagnostic characters, Isoneuromyia brunettii (, Isoneuromyia formosana, Key to species, Oriental region, p. 28, p. 3, p. 9

Thirteen new species of the keroplatid genus Isoneuromyia Brunetti from the Oriental Region are described and illustrated. These include the following: I. brunettii, n. sp. (Laos); I. flava, n. sp. (Borneo); I. glabra, n. sp. (Laos); I. jata, n. sp. (Borneo); I. matilei, n. sp. (Borneo); I. nigerrima, n. sp. (Laos); I. nigribasis, n. sp. (Laos); I. pallidopsis, n. sp. (Sulawesi); I. splendida, n. sp. (Laos); I. subapicalis, n. sp. (Laos); I. tannia, n. sp. (Borneo); I. variabilis, n. sp. (Laos); I. yorki, n. sp. (Vietnam). The Taiwanese I. annandalei formosana (Okada) is here raised to full species, n. stat. The Sri Lankan species Orfelia (Isoneuromyia) ventosa Sivec & Plassmann is transferred to Neoplatyura. A key to Oriental species is given.

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