Immunocharacterization of the DNA puff BhC4-1 protein of Bradysia hygida (Diptera: Sciaridae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:Monesi, N., Silva, Jr, J.A., Martins, P.C.M., Teixeira, A.B., Dornelas, E.C., Moreira, J.E., Larson M.L.Paco
Journal:Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Type of Article:article
Keywords:Bradysia, Bradysia hygida, Diptera, DNA, Larvae, Proteins, Salivary glands, Sciaridae

The DNA puff BhC4-1 gene is amplified and highly expressed in the
salivary gland of Bradysia hygida late larvae

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