Revision of Beiträge zur Trauermückenfauna Taiwans. Teil III: Gattungen Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1957 und Xylosciara Tuomikoski, 1957 und Zygoneura Meigen, 1830 (Diptera Nematocera: Sciaridae) from Sat, 2011-02-19 19:43

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:Rudzinski, H.-G.
Type of Article:article
Keywords:Diptera, Nematocera, Sciaridae, Taiwan, Xylosciara, Xylosciara (Protoxylosciara) sensillata, Zygoneura, Zygoneura (Pharetratula) transferata

Contributions to the knowledge of Sciarid flies of Taiwan. Part III: Genera Xylosciara TUOMIKOSKI, 1957 and Zygonema MEIGEN, 1830 (Diptera Nematocera: Sciaridae). Xylosciara (Protoxylosciara) sensillata sp. nov. and Zygoneura (Pharetratula) transferata sp. nov. are described in this third part of the taxonomic study of the Sciaridae of Taiwan. In both cases the new species are the first members of their genera for the oriental fauna. The most important morphological characters are illustrated and a discussion of the systematic position is given for each species.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith