Revision of Chetoneura shennonggongensis, a new species of cave-dwelling Keroplatini from China (Diptera : Keroplatidae), with a discussion of the position of Chetoneura from Fri, 2008-04-18 14:37

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2008
Authors:Amorim, Dde Sousa, Niu, C., Li, X.Z., Lei, C.L., Clarke A.K.
Accession Number:WOS:000253714700006

Chetoneura shennonggongensis Amorim & Niu, sp. n., inhabiting caves in East China, is described based on the adult male and female, plus larva. Chetoneura Colless, previously associated with Orfelia and known from a single species from caves in Malaysia, is formally transferred to the Keroplatini. This is the first description of the larva and of the general biology of the genus. The larva of this new species is suspended in a roughly horizontal hammock of silken threads amidst mucous coated snare threads from the roof of caves, but is not bioluminescent as some species of other genera in Keroplatidae ( e. g., Arachnocampa, Keroplatus, and Orfelia). A key to separate both species of the genus is provided. The position of the genus within the Keroplatini is considered. Chetoneura is considered to be closely related to a clade containing Heteropterna and Ctenoceridion.

Fri, 2008-04-18 14:37 -- vblago
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