Revision of Triassic Diptera and initial radiation of the order from Wed, 2010-02-24 19:10

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1995
Authors:Shcherbakov, D.E., D., L.Elena, A. B.Vladimir
Journal:Dipterolodical Research

Triassic Diptera Nematocera from Central Asia are described: Mabelysia chariest (Limoniidae), Gnomusca molecula and G. renyxa (?Limoniidae, Gnomuscinae subfam. n.), Vymrhyphus tuomikoskii and V. triassicus (Protorhyphidae, Anisopodoidea), Nadiptera kaluginae and N. pulchella (Nadipteridae fam. n., Ptychopteroidea), Vladiptera kovalevi, Dilemmala specula, Psychotipa predicta, and P. depicta (all Vladipteroidea superfam. n. and Vladipteridae fam. n., two latter Psychotipinae subfam. n.), Kuperwoodia benefica and Anemeca liya (both Hennigmatoidea superfam. n. and Hennigmatidae fam. n., the former Kuperwoodiinae subfam. n.). The type of the latter family, Hennigma cladistorum, is described from the Cretaceous of Mongolia, and Nadiptera anachrona from the Jurassic of Kyrgyzstan. Mesozoic Eoptychopteridae are divided into three subfamilies. The Jurassic family Ansorgiidae is transferred into Blephariceroidea; Triassic Alinkidae is provisionally assigned to Pachyneuroidea. The most primitive dipterans, Vladipteridae, are placed in Tipulomorpha. The radiation of Nematocera is discussed (original phylochronogram and modified system given); some infraordinal concepts are criticized. The origin of Diptera from Permian Mecoptera similar to Robinjohniidae is suggested; it's hypothesized that the dipteran wing structure was formed mainly due to transfer of mecopteran hindwing characters onto the forewing.

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