Revision of Review of the genus Nepaletricha Chandler (Diptera, Rangomaramidae), with description of new species from Thailand and Vietnam from Tue, 2009-08-04 11:05

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:Hippa, H., Chandler, P.J., Papp L.
Keywords:Diptera, Nepaletricha, new species, Oriental region, Rangomaramidae, Sciaroidea, Thailand, Vietnam

The genus Nepaletricha consists of the following species: N. mystica Chandler (Nepal), N. furcata sp. n. (Thailand and Vietnam) and N. montana sp. n. (Thailand). The previously unknown female characters are described. The placement of the genus is briefly reviewed and discussed.

Tue, 2009-08-04 11:05 -- vblago
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