Neue Trauermücken aus Spanien (Diptera: Sciaridae) [New sciarids from Spain (Diptera: Sciaridae)]

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:Rudzinski, H.-G., Baumjohann K.
Journal:Entomologische Zeitschrift
Keywords:check-list, Diptera, Faunistics, Nematocera, new records, new species., Palearctic Region, Sciaridae, Spain

Abstract. Sciarid flies from the collection of the Museu Valencia D’Historia Natural and samplings which were collected by W. Schacht and J. Blasco-Zumeta at different places in Spain have been examined. In this collection 68 species are represented. Thirteen species are detected for the first time for the spanish fauna; nine species are described as new for science: Bradysia iberiana sp. nov., Bradysia iberica sp. nov., Bradysia perfecta sp. nov., Bradysia regulariformis sp. nov., Bradysia varianta sp. nov., Cratyna continuata sp. nov., Lycoriella complexa sp. nov.,
Peyerimhoffia macera sp. nov. and Epidapus subspinosulus sp. nov.
Zusammenfassung. Neun für die Wissenschaft neue Trauermückenarten werden aus Spanien beschrieben: Bradysia iberiana sp. nov., Bradysia iberica sp. nov., Bradysia perfecta sp. nov., Bradysia regulariformis sp. nov., Bradysia varianta sp. nov., Cratyna continuata sp. nov., Lycoriella complexa sp. nov., Peyerimhoffia macera sp. nov. und Epidapus subspinosulus sp. nov. Die wichtigsten morphologischen Merkmale werden abgebildet und die systematische Stellung der einzelnen Arten wird diskutiert. Dreizehn bekannte paläarktische Arten aus sieben Gattungen werden zum ersten Mal für die Fauna Spaniens nachgewiesen.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith