Middle Jurassic Protopleciidae from Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China (Insecta, Diptera)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2009
Authors:Hao, J.-Y., Ren D.
Journal:Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica

In this paper three new species of fossil Protopleciidae are described: Mesoplecia coadnata sp. nov.; M. antiqua sp. nov. and M. anfracta sp. nov. All the specimens were collected from Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Inner Mongolia in China. All type specimens are deposited in the Capital Normal University.

Mesoplecia anfracta sp . nov. (Figs . 1, 4) Description. Body length 11 mm as preserved. Thorax massive and nearly oval, abdomen with 8 visible segments, subcylindrical. Legs stronger and covered with sparse bristles. Antennae missing.Wing length 7.5 mm and width 3 mm. All veins of nearly same thickness. Sc short, little short than one-half length of wing; R, three-fourths wing length; Rs arising from basal one-third wing length, furcated R2+3 and R4+5. R2+3 short and curved, strongly sigmoid, convergent middle of R1. M stemn well developed with exception of basal section, furcated three branches; M1 as long as M2, Cu slightly sigmoid. A1 missing.Holotype. A well-preserved body with wings, No. CNU-DIP-D-NN2008131. Horizon and locality. Jildongshan Formation, Middle Jurassic, Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia in China. Comparison. The new species is similar to M. coadnata sp. nov., but it can be easily separated from later by having different position of R2+3, The new species has convergence of middle length of R1. Compared to other recorded species in the genus, this present new species differs from M. antique sp. nov. mainly in crossvein m-cu.Etymology. From Latin "afracta", means "clirving".

Mesoplecia antiqua sp. nov . (Figs. 2, 5)Description. Body length 7.5 nun as preserved Thorax massive and nearly oval, abdomen with 8 visible segments, subcylindrical. Legs stronger and covered with sparse bristles. Antennae preserved Wing length 4.5 mm and width 2 nun. All veins of nearly same thickness. Sc short, little short dian one-half length of wing; R1 three-fourths wing length and thicken; Rs arising from basal one-third wing length, furcated R2+3 and R4+5 . R2+3 short and curved, strongly sigmoid, convergent middle of R. M stem well developed with exception of basal section, furcated three brandies; M1 as long as M2. Cu slightly sigmoid. A, reaching wing margin and curved terminally. Holotype. Body with well preserved wings, No. CNU-DIP-D-NN2008096. Horizon and locality. Jiulongshan Formation, Middle Jurassic, Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongoliain China. Comparison. The new species is similar to M. coadnata sp. nov., but it can be easily separated from later by having different position of R2+3. The new species has convergence of middle length of R1. Etymology. From. Latin "antiqua", means "antiquated".

Mesoplecia coadnata sp. nov. (Figs. 3, 6) Description. Body length 8 mm as preserved Thorax massive and nearly oval, abdomen with 8 visible segments, subcylindrical. Legs stronger and covered with sparse bristles. Antennae missing. Wing length 6 nun and width 3 nun. AD veins with same thickness. Sc. short, slight shorter dian one-half length of wing; Pt small. R, three-fourths of wing length and thicken; Rs thicken, arising from basal one-third of wing length, furcated R2+3 and R4+5. R2+3 curved, strongly sigmoid, convergent R, terminally. M stern well developed with exception of basal section, furcated three branches; M1 as long as M2. Cu slightly sigmoid beyond m-cu. A, missing.Holotype. A well-preserved body with wings, No CNU-DIP-D-NN2008003. Paratype. No. CNU-DIP-D-NN2008021, No. CNU-DIP-D-NN2008094, No. CNU-DIP-D-NN2008098. Horizon and locality Jiulongshan Formation, Middle Jurassic, Daohugou Village, Ningcheng County, Inner Mongolia in China. Remarks. The new species is similar to M. sinica, but it can be easily separated from later by having different position of R2. The new species has convergence of R2+3 with R1. Etymology. From Latin "coadnata", means "combine

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