New Sciaroidea (Insecta: Diptera) in Lower Cretaceous amber from Spain

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:Blagoderov, V.A., Arillo A.
Journal:Studia Dipterologica
Accession Number:13901000553
Keywords:Diptera-, Insecta-; Arthropods-; Dipterans-True-Flies; Insects-; Invertebrates-, Keroplatidae- : Nematocera-

Two new genera and four new species of fungus gnats from Lower Cretaceous Spanish amber are described: Hegalari antzinako gen. et spec. nov., H. minor spec. nov. (Keroplatidae: Macrocerinae: ?Macrocerini), Alavamanota hispanica gen. et spec. nov. (Mycetophilidae: Manotinae) and Allocotocera xavieri spec. nov. (Mycetophilidae: Sciophilinae: Sciophilini).

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