Palaearctic species of the Boletina nitida-group (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) including the description of a new species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2006
Authors:Zaitzev, A.I., Jakovlev, J., Polevoi A.V.
Journal:Studia Dipterologica
Keywords:Boletina insulana Zaitzev 2005 ( Mycetophilidae ) : Sp nov, Boletina nitida group ( Mycetophilidae ) : Key to species, Diptera, Insecta, Mycetophilidae : Nematocera, P. 247, p. 252, Palaearctic region, Russia

A review of the Palaearctic species belonging to the Boletina nitida-group is given. A new species, Boletina insulana spec. nov. from the Russian Far East, is described. Descriptions and illustrations of the male genitalia of five species (B. bidenticulata SASAKAWA & KIMURA, B. dispecta DZIEDZICKI, B. gusakovae ZAITZEV, B. nitida GRZEGORZEK and B. rejecta EDWARDS) are given. An identification key for the nine species of the Boletina nitida-group currently known from the Palaearctic region, based mainly on the male genitalia and new distribution data are provided.

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