Sechs neue Arten aus den Gattungen Bradysia, Camptochaeta und Corynoptera (Diptera: Sciaridae) nebst einigen Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur europaeischer Trauermuecken

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:Menzel, F., Heller K.
Journal:Studia dipterologica
Type of Article:article

Six new species of the nematocerous family Sciaridae are described
from Europe: Bradysia angustostylata Menzel spec. nov., Bradysia
smithae Menzel & Heller spec. nov., Camptochaeta gigantostylata Heller
& Menzel spec. nov., Corynoptera angusta Menzel spec. nov., Corynoptera
assimilis Menzel spec. nov. and Corynoptera hannae Menzel spec. nov.
Bradysia tilicola (Loew, 1850) comb. nov. [described as Sciara] and
Scatopsciara (Xenopygina) gabyae (Heller, 1998) comb. nov. [described
as Bradysia] are combined in different genera. Examination of type
material produced four new synonyms: Bradysia tilicola (Loew, 1850)
[= Sciara amoena Winnertz, 1867 syn. nov.]; Corynoptera spoeckeri
(Lengersdorf, 1930) [= Corynoptera venerata Rudzinski, 1994 syn.
nov.]; Pseudolycoriella compacta Heller, 2000 [= Cratyna vetula Rudzinski,
2000 syn. nov.]; Pseudolycoriella rigua (Menzel & Mohrig, 1991) [=
Lycoriella atrostriata Mohrig & Heller, 1992 syn. nov.]. Following
the nomenclatural change of the nominal species we suggest the new
name Bradysia tilicola-group for the formerly called “Bradysia amoena-group”,
and Bradysia pallipes-group for the name “Bradysia brunnipes-group”.
The descriptions for Bradysia arcana Menzel & Mohrig, 1998, Bradysia
cavernicola Mohrig & Eckert, 1999, Bradysia fenestralis (Zetterstedt,
1838) and Scatopsciara gabyae (Heller, 1998) are corrected or completed.
Lectotypes have been designated for Bradysia cavernicola Mohrig &
Eckert and Bradysia tilicola (Loew). Additionally, two wrongly conjugated
species names are corrected and the type species for Chaetosciara
Frey, Lycoriella Frey and Uddmania Frey [preocc.; = Uddmaniella Frey]

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith