Fungus gnats, lauxaniid and agromyzid flies (Diptera) of the Imperial Palace, the Akasaka Imperial Gardens and the Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo.

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2005
Authors:Sasakawa, M.
Journal:Memoirs of the National Science Museum (Tokyo)

This paper represents the taxonomic clarification of the dipterous material I had an opportunity for examination. The occurrence of two species of the Keroplatidae, 1 of the Macroceridae, 29 of the Mycetophilidae, 25 of the Lauxaniidae and 27 of the Agromyzidae, in the Imperial Palace, Akasaka Imperial Gardens and Tokiwamatsu Imperial Villa, Tokyo, are confirmed. Among them, 18 species are newly described, 2 species belonging to the genus Neoempheria, 1 to each of Allactoneura, Clastobasis and Cordyla, 3 to each of Epicypta and Mycetophila, of the Mycetophilidae, 1 species to each of the genera Homoneura and Luzonomyza, and 2 to Itomyia, of the Lauxaniidae, and 1 species to the genus Japanagromyza and 2 to Agromyza, of the Agromyzidae. Two species of the keroplatid fungus gnats, 7 of the mycetophilid fungus gnats, 2 of the lauxaniid flies and 4 of the agromyzid leaf-miners, are newly recorded from Japan.

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