Notes on Oriental and Australasian Manotinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), with the description of thirteen new species

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2010
Authors:Hippa, H., Ševčík J.
Keywords:Diptera, Eumanota, Manota, Manotinae, Mycetophilidae, new species, Oriental region, Promanota

The following new species are described: Manota acehensis (Sumatra), M. anceps (Sumatra), M. bruneiensis (Borneo), M. capillata (Sumatra), M. dolichothrix (Borneo), M. hexacantha (Borneo), M. hyboloma (Borneo), M. perangulata (Borneo), M. radula (Borneo), M. sinepollex (Sumatra), M. stricta (Sumatra), M. subforceps (Sumatra) and Eumanota vilkamaai (New Guinea). New records of the following species are given: Manota bifida Hippa & Papp (Borneo), M. clausa Hippa (Borneo), M. curvata Hippa (Sumatra), M. ferrata Hippa (Borneo), M. forceps Hippa & Papp (Thailand), M. horrida Hippa (Borneo), M. pectinata Hippa (Borneo, Sulawesi), M. pappi Hippa (Borneo), M. perpusilla Hippa (Sumatra), M. simplex Hippa (Borneo), M. ulu Hippa (Sumatra), Eumanota humeralis Edwards (Borneo), E. malukuensis Søli (Seram), E. suthepensis Søli (Thailand) and Promanota malaisei Tuomikoski (Thailand).

Tue, 2010-01-12 11:40 -- vblago
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