Boletina erythropyga Holmgren, 1883
Diagnostic characters: Most similar to B. magna and B. hissarica, but can be distinguished by having mesonotal stripes distinct and separated and on the evenly broad gonostylus with dentations reaching curve.
Description. Male Length; Wing 5.5 mm
Head blackish brown; mouthparts and palps yellow. Antenna with scape, pedicel and basal part of first flagellomere pale yellow, rest of flagellum brown.
Thorax with 3 distinct, black mesonotal stripes on yellow ground, humeral area yellow; antepronotum pale; anepisternum brown; preepisternum pale with ventral half darker, brown; laterotergite brown with anterior part paler; mediotergite pale with a broad dark central stripe. Halter pale.
Wing pale with veins yellowish brown; M-petiole approximately 1.5 times the length of ta; Sc2 present; Sc ending in C slightly before Rs; Sc bearing a few setae on apical portion; C ending beyond apex of R5.
Legs pale yellow with joints darker.
Abdomen dark brown with yellow apical bands on tergite II-VI.
Terminala brownish. Gonocoxite with mesal corners not projected.; gonostylus evenly broad, angled inwards about 40° and bears one strong seta on interior surface, dentations on interior surface reaching curve. Apical processus approximately as long as the diameter of gonostylus and bear one apical seta. Hypandral lobe deeply forked with four lobes. Paramere long, slender and not covered with microtrichia. Tergite IX subrectangular, with 4 stronger setae on apical part and without a sclerotized mesal suture
Female: Length; body 6.0 mm; Wing 5.5 mm. Colouration as male.
Terminalia. Tergite IX broad with sharp apicolateral corner; gonocoxite VIII slightly incised ventrally bearing many strong apical setae; gonapophysis IX short and blunt.
Distribution: Holarctic, with records from north western USA (Idaho) (Johannsen, 1911), northern Europe (Scandinavia and northern parts of European Russia) (Zaitzev and Polevoi 2001) and Novaya Zemlya (Holmgren, 1883).