
Pagesort descendingAuthorsYearTitle
Strobl, P.G.1909Spanische Dipteren. III Beitrag
Sweetman, H.L.1928Notes on insects inhabiting the roots of weeds
Takaie, H.1989Breeding and display of the glow-worms, Arachnocampa spp
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Tarwid, K.1933Sur l'existence de l'espece Symmerus apicalis Winn. (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Tarwid, K.1936Notatka w sprewie tozsamosti systematycznej rodzajów: Zelmira Meig. (=Platyura Meig.) i Asindulum Latr. (Diptera, Fungivoridae)
Thaler, K.1992Weitere Funde nivaler Spinnen (Aranei) in Nordtirol und Beifange
Thaler, K.1999[Tirolean faunal notes - 12 (Arachnida: Araneae, Opiliones; Myriapoda: Diplopoda; Insecta: Diptera: Mycetophiloidea).]
Thaler, K.2000Fragmenta Faunistica Tirolensia - XIII: (Arachnida: Araneae; Myriapoda: Diplopoda; Insecta, Diptera: Mycetophiloidea, Psychodidae, Trichoceridae)
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Thomas, B., Wyllie B.K.N.1931A camel journey across the Rub el Khali
Thomas, I.1931The structure and life history of Sciara nitidicolis Meig. (Diptera)
Thompson, F.C.19899. Family Lygistorrhinidae
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Thompson, W.R.1938A Dipterous parasite of Mycetophilids
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Tollet, R.1943Notes sur les Diptères Mycetophilidae de Belgique. I. Ditomyiinae, Bolitophilinae
Tollet, R.1948Notes sur la Faune des Hautes-Fagnes en Belgique. XVII Mycetophilidae (Diptera)
Tollet, R.1950Un Mycetophilidae (Ceroplatinae) nouveau du Congo Belge
Tollet, R.1950Bolitophila (Diptera Mycetophilidae) nouveau ou peu connus de la Belgique
Tollet, R.1953Notes sur les Diptères Mycetophilidae de Belgique
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Tollet, R.1954Un Macrocera (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) nouveaux du Congo Belge
Tollet, R.1955Notes sur les Diptères Mycetophilidae de Belgique. III. Keroplatinae
Tollet, R.1955Etudes Biospéologiques. XXXVI. Révision des Mycetophilidae cavernicoles de Transylvanie (Diptera Nematocera), recueillis per R.Leruth
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Tuomikoski, R.1966Systematic position of Lygistorrhina Skuse (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea)
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Uesugi, K.2005Three new species of the genus Macrorrhyncha Winnertz in Japan, with redescription of M. ezoensis (Okada) (Diptera: Keroplatidae)
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Vaisanen, R.1981Is there more than one successional phase in the mycetophilid (Diptera) community feeding on a mushroom?
Vaisanen, R.1982A new species of the tribe Mycomyini (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from Nigeria, with a description of a new subgenus
Vaisanen, R.1983A new species of the Mycomya trileata group (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from Cameroun
Vaisanen, R.1984A new Mediterranean species of Grzegorzekia (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
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Venturi, F.1956Notulae Dipterologicae. X. Specie Nuove per l'Itaia
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Vimmer, A.1909Larva bedlobytky Cordyla fusca Latr.
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Vimmer, A.1926Ueber die Trachealisation der einigen Organen der Larven Cordyla fuscata (in Czech)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith