
PageAuthorsYearTitlesort descending
Kurina, O.2020Three new species and new records of Clastobasis Skuse (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Japan and the Kuril Islands 
Taber, S.W.2016Three New Species of Boletina Staeger Fungus Gnats with Notes on the Nearctic Members of the Boletina nitida Grzegorzek Species Group
Huerta, H., Amorim Dde Sousa2016Three new species of Calliceratomyia Lane (Diptera: Ditomyiidae) from Neotropical Mexic
Kurina, O.2005Three new species of Cordyla Meigen (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Borneo, Sulawesi and Papua New Guinea
Ševčík, J.2003Three new species of Diadocidiidae (Diptera) from Papua New Guinea
Kurina, O.2006Three new species of Docosia Winnertz (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from Kazakhstan
Kurina, O., Ševčík J.2011Three new species of Docosia Winnertz from central and southern Europe (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Zaitzev, A.I.1993Three new species of fungus gnats of the genera Synplasta Skuse and Allodiopsis Tuomik. (subgenus Myrosia Tuomik) from Russia (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Zaitzev, A.I.1999Three new species of fungus gnats of the genus Exechiopsis Tuomik. (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) from Sakhalin I
Yang, C., Wu H.1989Three new species of genus Mycomya from Changbai Mountain
Wu, H., Yang C.-kun1994Three new species of genus Mycomya from Gansu (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Wu, H., Xu H.Chao2002Three new species of Leia from Longwangshan, Zhejiang (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Zhang, J.F.2008Three new species of mesosciophilid gnats from the Middle-Late Jurassic of China (Insecta: Diptera: Nematocera: Mesosciophilidae)
Yang, C., Wu H.1989Three new species of mycetophilids from Hubei (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Wu, H.1998Three new species of Mycomya from Longwangshan Nature Reserve of Zhejiang (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Wu, H., Yang C.1998Three new species of Phronia from Longwangshan, Zhejiang (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Kjærandsen, J.1994Three new species of Pseudexechia Tuomikoski from Tanzania and Thailand (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Yu, X.-X., Wu, H., Chen X.-xin2008Three new species of Rondaniella Johannsen (Diptera: Mycetophilidae) from China
Hackman, W.1971Three new species of the Allodia lugens group from Northern Europe (Dipt., Mycetophilidae)
Uesugi, K.2005Three new species of the genus Macrorrhyncha Winnertz in Japan, with redescription of M. ezoensis (Okada) (Diptera: Keroplatidae)
Wu, H., Zheng, L.Yi, Xu H.Chao2001Three new species of the genus Mycomya in China. (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
de Oliveira, S.Siqueira, Amorim Dde Sousa2010Three replacement names for species of the subfamily Leiinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Lanzavecchia, S., Bellon, P.L., Dallai, R., Afzelius B.A.1994Three-dimensional reconstructions of accessory tubules observed in the sperm axonemes of two insect species
Strobl, P.G.1900Tief's dipterologischer Nachlass aus Kärnten und Oesterr-Schlesien
Lampert, K.1908Tiere und pflanzen der Jetztzeit in den schwäbischen Höhlen
Storå, R.1938Tiergeographische Studien über die DIpteren-fauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von den Azoren bekannten Dipteren
Frey, R.1945Tiergeographische Studien über die Dipteren-Fauna der Azoren. I. Verzeichnis der bisher von der Azoren bekannten Dipteren
Zaitzev, A.I., Krivosheina, M.G., Lobkova L.E.2006To the fauna of fungus gnats (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) of Kamchatka
Martinsson, S., Kjærandsen, J., Sundberg P.2011Towards a molecular phylogeny of the fungus gnat genus Boletina (Diptera: Mycetophilidae)
Jarzembowski, E.A.1996Towards a revision of Purbeck insects: Protogryllus, Panorpidium, Pleciomyia and Prohousea nom. nov.
Whitten, J.M.1960Tracheal system as a systematic character in larval Diptera
Walker, F.1874Translation of the synopsis of the genera of European Mycetophilidae
Jarvis, W.R., Shipp, J.L., Gardiner R.B.1993Transmission of Pythium aphanidermatum to greenhouse cucumber by the fungus gnat Bradysia impatiens (Diptera: Sciaridae)
Whipps, J.M., Budge S.P.1993Transmission of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans by collembolan Folsomia candida (Collembola: Entomobryidae) and glasshouse sciarid Bradysia sp. (Diptera: Sciaridae)
Yoshimoto, C.M., Gressitt, J.L., Mitchell C.J.1962Trapping of air-borne insects in the Pacific-Antarctic Area, 1
Heller, K.1999Trauermucken (Diptera: Sciaridae) von Gonnersdorf (Kr. Daun). Beitrage zur Insektenfauna der Eifeldorfer 20
Rudzinski, H.-G.1994Trauermuckenfunde aus Nord-Mahren (Diptera: Sciaridae)
Menzel, F., Heller K.2006Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae) aus dem Nationalpark "Hainich"
Rulik, B., Mohrig, W., Jaschhof M.2001Trauermücken (Diptera: Sciaridae) und freilebende Gallmücken (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae: Lestremiinae) aus Ungarn. Mit Bemerkungen zur Corynoptera tridentata-Gruppe
Menzel, F.1992Trauermücken (Sciaridae).
Mohrig, W., Kauschke, E., Menzel, F., Jaschhof M.1997Trauermücken von der Kanarischen Insel La Gomera und Westmarokko (Diptera, Sciaridae).
Mohrig, W., Eckert R.1992Traunermucken aus Naturhohlen des Harzes, Deutschland (Insecta, Diptera, Sciaridae)
Dörge, D., Zaenker, S., Klussmann-Kolb, A., Weigand A.2014Traversing worlds - Dispersal potential and ecological classification of Speolepta leptogaster (Winnertz, 1863) (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Carpenter, F.M.1992Treatise on invertebrate paleontology. Part R. Arthropoda 4. Volume 4: superclass Hexapoda
Zaitzev, A.I.1984Trends in morphological specialization of the digestive tract in higher mycetophiloid dipteran larvae (Diptera, Mycetophiloidea)
Duret, J.P.1987Tres especies nuevas del genero Tetragoneura Winnertz, 1846, de Chile (Diptera, Mycetophilidae)
Shcherbakov, D.E., Lukashevich, E.D., Blagoderov V.A.1995Triassic Diptera and initial radiation of the order
King, G.1991Trichosia hirtipennis (Zetterstedt) (Dipt., Sciaridae) new to Britain
Krivosheina, N.P., Zaitzev A.I.2008Trophic relationships and main trends in morphological adaptations of larval mouthparts in sciaroid dipterans (Diptera, Sciaroidea)
Chandler, P.J., Pijnakker J.2009Tropical fungus gnats established in nurseries in the Netherlands (Diptera: Keroplatidae and Mycetophilidae)


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith